Online Bookings
You can now make a booking online 24/7 from any computer or mobile device. To make your booking, follow these simple and easy steps:
Select your practitioner
Select the date and time
Enter your details
Reason for visit
You will receive a confirmation email from HotDoc regarding your booking as well as an appointment reminder closer to the time of your appointment.
Please note - we are NOT a Bulk Billing Practice. Please ask about out-of-pocket fees prior to your consultation.
NOTE: Not all our practitioners accept on line bookings. If you cannot find your usual practitioner, please call us on 07 4922 3300 to book your appointment.
Call Ahead
Appointments won't always run on time due to complicated cases and unforeseen medical emergencies.
Please call ahead to see if your appointment is running on time before making your way to the practice. Our reception staff can provide an estimate waiting time only. At times, unforeseen circumstances can result in further delays and if another doctor is available, we will offer you an alternative. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Using your Mobile Phone?
For existing patients, please be aware that if you are using your mobile phone, the HotDoc app may not show all available appointments for current doctors. If you cannot find a suitable appointment time with your usual doctor, please call the surgery on 07 4922 3300.